Frame 7EA Parts Solutions

Our company San Antonio Service center is an industry leader in Frame 7EA gas parts repair and manufacturing. The facility has leading-edge equipment and repair techniques with proven expertise on multiple-frame gas turbine hot gas path and combustion components.

Our enhanced gas turbine new parts offer enhanced durability and extend the service life at a competitive price.

Frame 7EA – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Stage Buckets

The Frame 7EA buckets achieve high-temperature performance up to 2055 °F with the application of world-class metallic-bond coating and thermal barrier coating (TBC).

7EA 1st Stage Buckets:

– Manufactured with an equiaxed nickel-base proprietary superalloy that greatly enhances the life of the part.

– Coated with a proprietary coating to ensure superior oxidation resistance at typical firing temperatures.

– Includes an internal aluminide coating.

7EA 2nd Stage Buckets:

– Significant creep life improvement for the tip shroud Manufactured from an equiaxed nickel-based                       proprietary superalloy with an MCrAly coating to provide superior protection against oxidation, creep, and         thermal-mechanical fatigue cracking.

– The design incorporates improvements to shroud geometry that reduce weight and improve part life.

– The design has eliminated the use of the cutter tooth and applied an abrasive rail coating, thus further                  reducing weight, improving creep life, and improving sealing effectiveness at the shroud block interface.

7EA 3rd Stage Buckets:

– Manufactured with equiaxed nickel-based proprietary superalloy that provides protection against oxidation       and thermal-mechanical fatigue cracking.

– Improvements to shroud and airfoil geometry reduce weight and extend part life.

– The design has eliminated the use of the cutter tooth, applied an abrasive rail coating, and improved sealing     effectiveness at the shroud block interface.

Operation in accordance with GER-3620

– Maximum firing temperature

– Fuel

– Operation mode

– 2055 °F

– Natural gas

– Base or cyclic load

– Along with buckets, MD&A can also provide Frame       7EA Nozzles and Shrouds.

– We can also provide compressor and combustion         components for the Frame 7EA gas turbine.

Frame 7FA.03 – Combustion Parts

7FA.03 Transition Pieces Design Advantages:

– Improved impingement cooling air and hard face coatings.

– Proprietary gas path TBC for demonstrated improvement in oxidation life.

7FA.03 Combustion Flow Sleeve Design Advantages:

– 304 stainless steel alloy that eliminates corrosion and pitting associated with carbon steel parts and improves oxidation lives.

7FA.03 Liner Cap Assembly Pieces Design Advantages:

– TBC coated effusion plate to improve component life.

7FA.03 Combustion Liner Pieces Design Advantages:

– Proprietary gas path TBC for demonstrated improvement in oxidation life.

– Proprietary exterior coating system for improved oxidation life.

Frame 7FA.03 – Compressor Hardware

R0 Compressor Blade

The R0 blade has been redesigned to address ongoing field issues with this component. The design is made from a higher strength alloy with superior corrosion and cavitation erosion resistance. Design enhancements include: dovetail relief cut, compound fillet radii transitions, and airfoil tuning to provide superior blade design life.

S0 – S4 Compressor Vane Assemblies

The S0 – S4 compressor stator vanes have been redesigned to address ongoing field issues. Design enhancements include the fabrication of the shorter vane carrier in a non-corrosive alloy, relief slot in the vane carriers for ease of removal, elimination of shims, curved squealer tips to decrease leakage, and non-uniform S0 and S1 vane spacing to mitigate R0 and R1 vibratory response.

S5 – S17, Exit Guide Vanes (EGV) Stator Vanes

The design for all compressor vanes has arched (radius) bases to conform to the compressor case. This radius base configuration provides less wear on the components. We increased the widths of the vane platforms at the horizontal joint. These vane platforms will be machined during the outage to fit the case, negating the need for shims.

We can also perform compressor vane pinning.

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